Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Leadership for Mediterranean Journal of Sciences- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theLeadership for Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Answer: Organizations success is highly attributed to the organization leadership sectors. However, most managers and leaders dont really understand their roles and end up playing roles that are not meant for them. This affect the workers motivation and performance. The term leadership is ambiguous in that several scholars have given several definitions to it (Clement2014, p.3). Leadership can be defined as the art of motivating, inspiring and influencing a group of people towards achieving a set goal. Since the major roles of a leader are to develop plans, to organize on how to achieve the plan, to give directions to the relevant teams on what to do and to control all activities within an organization,for one to be an effective leader on should posses a set of skills. A good leader should be trust worthy, creative, be in a position to motivate the workers, solve problem and be a team player. Since organization leadership have been of great interest to the researchers, several theories have been developed to facilitate leadership. Path goal theory of leadership is an approach based on the leaders ability through his behavior to motivate his followers and consequently affecting their performance positively. This theory therefore implies that unskilled leader would lead to the under performance of the workers and eventually the failure of the organization. This has highly contributed to organizations to be over managed and under led. The question still remains, are leaders born or made? Research has indicated that three-quarter of leaders are born and a quarter are made. Therefore, leadership skills can be learnt or acquired. In the path goal theory, the leader is the pivot that helps the followers to achieve the set goal by following a certain path to success. Here, the leaders motivational skill is crucial (George,George and Caren2016, p.120). His behavior should create a conducive working environment for his worker so that they can show their full potential at their duties. The path goal theory involves four leadership style. they include: directive leadership, supportive leadership, participative leadership and achievement-oriented leadership. Directive leadership style involves a leader giving instruction to the followers on what to do and how to do it. The leader set the expectations that he makes them know to the workers and establishes the timeline within which the goal should be achieved. In most case leader may tend to be authoritative and command on what to be done. however, this has shown that commanding leaders create fear in their workers and therefore become unapproachable for consultations. This has led to low productivity and failure in attaining the set goal. This style applies when the workers are new in an organization and are not sure of hoe to do their job. Supportive leadership style the leader provides psychological support. That is, he provides an environment that reduces stress to the workers. The leaders treat workers with respect and listens to their ideas. Therefore, the workers feel appreciated and valued. In this leadership style, high performance of the workers is seen and highly contributes to the success of the set goal. The leader here is approachable. This style is applicable when the work to be done is challenging to the worker. The leader support in showing how it should be done. Participative leadership style the leader involves the workers in setting the goal and in the decisions making on how to achieve the set goal. This make the workers to understand the direction of the organization, own the idea and they are motivated to work toward achieving the set goal. Achievement oriented leadership style involves where the workers have professional knowledge of their work and the leader involve the in setting the goal. The workers are expected to use their professionalism to exhibit great performance. This style is highly applicable in senior managers positions in organizations. SUMMARY OFARTICLES FROM SCHOLARLY JOURNALSD Title and reference of the article Bell, C., Chan, M. and Nel, P., 2014. The impact of participative and directive leadership on organisational culture: An organisational development perspective. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(23), p.1970. Purpose of the article To determine the impact of participative and directive leadership on organizational culture from an organizational development perspective. Sample, location, method of data collection and analysis A sample of two hundred and forty-six administrative employs was used at Fort Hare university. A five-point rating scale was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using statistical technique such as descriptive statistics. Findings /interpretation reported in the article The research suggested that the participative and directive leadership styles have significance in organizational culture and leads to achievement of the set goal. However, the directive style does not facilitate adaptability of the workers to the work Significance/contribution of the article in relation to your other articles and your topic The research therefore elaborates that participative leadership style is recommendable to organizations Strengths of article The research was conducted in a setup whose results can be applied in many fields Weaknesses of article The study focused on one organization culture. The results may not apply to organizations with a different culture. Title and reference of the article Lumbasi, G.W., KAol, G.O. and Ouma, C.A., 2016. The Effect of Achievement Oriented leadership Style on the Performance of COYA Senior Managers in Kenya. International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics, 3(2), pp.118-125. Purpose of the article To investigate the effects of achievement-oriented leadership style on the performance of senior managers of the company Sample, location, method of data collection and analysis A sample of thirteen companies in Kenya was used, questionnaires were used in the data collection and the data was analyzed by the descriptive and inferential techniques. The statistical program for social sciences (SPSS) was also used. Findings /interpretation reported in the article The research found out that achievement-oriented leadership style directly affects the employees performance positively. Significance/contribution of the article in relation to your other articles and your topic The research advises the organizations to apply achievement-oriented leadership style for quality performance. Strengths of article The research was conducted in a setup whose results can be applied in many fields Weaknesses of article The study did not consider other professional fields from different working environments. References Bell, C., Chan, M. and Nel, P., 2014. The impact of participative and directive leadership on organisational culture: An organisational development perspective. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(23), p.1970. Lumbasi, G.W., KAol, G.O. and Ouma, C.A., 2016. The Effect of Achievement Oriented leadership Style on the Performance of COYA Senior Managers in Kenya. International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and Economics, 3(2), pp.118-125.

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